Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Pumpkin In The Jar - A Philippian Folk Tale

A king is out hunting one day in the hot sun and has he wonders off and loses his companions he comes a cross a young maiden and notices that she is growing a garden of pumpkins and melons. He becomes and thirsty and asks the young maiden for a drink and as she offers him a drink and then breaks the jar from which he used the king goes back to his palace and months later he sends a knight with a jar to the young maiden and tells her that she must fit a whole pumpkin inside the jar with out breaking or damaging either the jar or the pumpkin.

The Straw Bull - A Ukrainian folk tale

Two farmers are very poor, and the wife asks her husband to make her a straw bull and cover it with tar. The husband does, and each day the wife takes the bull to the pasture as she spins her fabric, and each day, she dozes off. When she dozes off, the bull catches local troublemakers by taunting them to fix their wounds with his tar.
Each time a person is caught, the husband throws them in the cellar to skin them and make warm clothes with.
None of them want to be skinned, but how can they get out...?

The Magic Paintbrush - A Chinese folk tale

Ma Liang dreamt that an old man had given him a magic paintbrush and when he awoke he found a magic paintbrush on his desk, and it made whatever he drew come to life. Ma liang used the magic paintbrush to help the poor people by drawing what they needed and he helped to teach people lesson's, but what lesson's did Ma liang teach...

The Apple Dumpling - An English folk tale

An old woman wants an apple dumpling for supper, and has all the ingredients... but apples. So she takes some plums from her plum tree and sets off in hope of trading the plums for apples, and she meets lots of people along the way...

Maling Kundang - An Indonesian folk tale

A mother and her son are both very poor. Years pass and the son becomes very rich, and marries. He moves away and when he returns to his mother years later, the mother has a surprise for him...

Pulling up the Seedlings - A Chinese folk tale

A farmer plants a large amounts of seeds and tends to them for a few days. But soon he gets impatient and wants them to grow faster. He can't sleep one night, because he's thinking about how they can grow faster...
And then... he gets an idea!